JessicaWahl gibt im exklusiven Interview mit dem ZDFheute hilfreiche Bewerbungs-Tipps - von der Gestaltung des Anschreibens bis hin zum erfolgreichen Videointerview. Bleiben Sie auf dem neuesten Stand, um den ständig wachsenden Anforderungen des Bewerbungsprozesses gerecht zu werden...
ZDFheute Ratgeber, 22.01.2024 Artikel lesen?
Plötzlich in Führung – und jetzt?
Die Expertin für Performance Coaching und Karriere Jessica Wahl gibt im BusinessInsider Tipps, wie Ihr in Eurer neuen Führungsrolle gut ankommt und es künftig auch mit schwierigen Mitarbeitern besser klappt.
BUSINESS INSIDER, KARRIERE 20.12.2023 Artikel lesen?
Den ganzen Tag im Büro und immer gestresst. Der Chef will dies, die Kollegen wollen das, zu Hause will auch jeder etwas von einem und überhaupt schlägt einem alles auf die Stimmung... Thema Abgrenzung am Arbeitsplatz: Wie man sich vor Ärger und Frust schützen kann. Businesscoach Jessica Wahl gibt hilfreiche Tipps für den Arbeitsalltag.
Business Insider, 17.11.2023 ARTIKEL LESEN?
Mails nach Feierabend, schnell beleidigt, zu viele private Fragen: Die Expertin und Karrierecoach Jessica Wahl verrät im BUSINESS INSIDER, wie man am besten mit einer übergriffigen Führungskraft umgeht, Grenzen setzt und gleichzeitig für ein gutes Arbeitsklima sorgt...
Business Insider, 08.08.2023 ARTIKEL LESEN?
"Ihr seid euphorisch in einen neuen Job gestartet, aber mit den Kollegen passt es irgendwie überhaupt nicht?" Karriere Coach Jessica Wahl erklärt im aktuellen BusinessInsider Magazin, wie ihr die häufigsten Fauxpas vermeidet, worauf ihr im neuen Team achten müsst und was zu tun ist, wenn es nicht so gut läuft.
Business Insider, 27.04.23 ARTIKEL LESEN?
"Sie hören nichts von Ihrem Chef oder Termine wurden immer abgesagt? Bewahren Sie einen kühlen Kopf und suchen die Kommunikation – schnell eine emotionsgeladene Mail schreiben, lohnt sich nicht." Und finden Sie heraus, wo die Ursache liegt. Ist es die Art Ihres Chefs oder liegt es vielleicht an Ihrer Art zu kommunizieren? Karriere Coach Jessica Wahl gibt Tipps im Interview. Merkur, 26.1.23 ARTIKEL LESEN?
"Wenn eure Führungskraft für euch schwer oder gar nicht zu erreichen ist, belastet das häufig den beruflichen Alltag." Karriere Coach Jessica Wahl erklärt im Interview, woran es liegen könnte, was es über die Führungskraft, aber auch über den Mitarbeitenden aussagt und wie man sich in so einer Situation am besten verhält.
Business Insider, 19.01.23 ARTIKEL LESEN?
Wann, wie schnell und wie oft sollte man den Job wechseln, damit es gut für das Gehalt ist? Karrierecoach Jessica Wahl gibt in der Süddeutschen Zeitung Expertentipps zum Thema Jobhopping...
Süddeutsche Zeitung, 29.12.22, ARTIKEL LESEN?
Angst vor den eigenen Stärken?
Was, wenn Frau sich so stark zeigt, wie sie ist, aber die Leute sie nicht mehr nett und süß finden? Muss Frau es erst richtig krachen lassen, um ein höheres Gehalt zu bekommen? Selbstbewusstes Auftreten entscheidet oft über den beruflichen Aufstieg. Doch viele Frauen stapeln im Job tief. Karrierecoach Jessica Wahl gibt im Interview mit KARRIERE WELT Tipps, was Frauen tun können, um genauso viel zu verdienen wie Männer. Und wie Frau mit Leichtigkeit und Authentizität beruflich schneller vorankommt.
Welt, Karriere, 08.03.2022, ARTIKEL LESEN?
"DER RICHTIGE DENKANSTOß - Den Gesprächspartner zum Nachdenken anregen und ihm neue Möglichkeiten aufzeigen"
Kinder lieben das „Warum“. Warum ist der Mond rund? Warum können Hummeln fliegen? Kinder wollen die Welt verstehen und warum sie so wurde wie sie ist. Das Warum bezieht sich auf die Vergangenheit. Es sieht zurück und nicht in die Zukunft. Eltern benutzen das „Warum“ auch gerne: Warum hast Du den Müll nicht rausgebracht? Warum hast Du eine 5? Und erhalten ebenfalls eine Erklärung. Oder, je nach Kreativität des Kindes, eine super Entschuldigung... Doch gibt es unzählige Fragevarianten sein Gegenüber zum Nachdenken anzuregen und neue Möglichkeiten aufzuzeigen, denn wie man fragt, so denkt und antwortet das Gegenüber. Und wie das mit Erwachsenen z.B. im Joballtag geht, erklärt Karriere Coach Jessica Wahl in diesem Interview.
DIE KRAFT DER STIMME... Deine Stimme macht hörbar wer Du bist, wie Du gestimmt bist, wie Du mit Dir selbst und anderen in Resonanz trittst und ist ein Ausdruck Deiner Persönlichkeit. Ja, die Stimme ist ein mächtiges Tool, denn sie berührt. Im folgenden Artikel kommt ein ganz kleiner Einblick in ein ganz großes Thema. Interview mit Stimmcoach Jessica Wahl.
Magazin -Good Health-, Bauer Media und PTA WOMAN, 31.08.2021/April 2022
Endlich kommt man mal raus, fährt kurz ins Büro, trifft die Kollegin und schon bekommt man ungefragt ein Feedback...
Wie reagiert man am besten auf Kritik und Feedback? Und wie gibt man Feedback online? Die beiden Moderator:innen Jule Jank und Mourice Gajda von Radio Fritz haben Karrierecoach Jessica Wahl angerufen und um ein paar Feedback-Tipps gebeten und in ihrer Live Sendung eingespielt.
RBB RADIO IT´S FRITZ, LIVE am 10.04.2021
„Sie ist diskussionswürdig. Aber in der Pandemie erlebt sie einen richtigen Hype, weil es viele bequem mögen…“ Karriereberaterin Jessica Wahl im Interview zum Thema #Homeoffice in der ProSieben-Newstime, sowie bei Sat1 und Kabel1. Viel Spaß beim Anschauen.
ProSieben / Newstime, 21.01.2021
"Gutes Personal ist nicht selbstverständlich. Will ein Unternehmen motivierte Mitarbeiter, muss es selbst tätig werden. Denn Unternehmensbindung ist heute wichtiger denn je." Wie das geht? Im folgenden Interview zum Thema Personalmanagement gibt Jessica Wahl ausführlich Tipps.
BERLINER ZEITUNG / Karriere, 21.11.2020
Spannender Beitrag mit Karrierecoach JessicaWahl in der Capital - Wirtschaft ist Gesellschaft zum Thema Uhren und Karriere:„Selbstverständlich gibt es wichtigeres als Uhren, wenn es um die Beurteilung von Mitarbeitern und Geschäftspartnern gilt: etwa fachliche und soziale Kompetenz, Leistungsbereitschaft, Erfahrung. Das wäre der Idealfall. Doch in Wahrheit entscheiden sie nie allein, ob wir im Arbeitsleben weiterkommen.“ Im gehobenen Berufsalltag gilt ein nacktes Handgelenk als unpassend, und eine Armbanduhr kann tatsächlich karriereentscheidend sein. Was gilt es zu wissen?
CAPITAL - Wirtschaft ist Gesellschaft, 7.10.2020 ARTIKEL LESEN?
Präsident Donald Trump im TV Duell mit seinem Herausforderer Joe Biden. Kommunikationsexpertin Jessica Wahl wurde von den dpa Nachrichten für Kinder gebeten das Duell zu analysieren und Tipps zu geben.
Lass mich mal ausreden! «Wenn man jemanden unterbricht, nimmt man ihm Gestaltungsspielraum und Kraft», erklärt Jessica Wahl. Die Expertin bringt Menschen unter anderem bei, wie sie gut vor Leuten reden können. Der Artikel ist deutschlandweit erschienen. dpa Nachrichten für Kinder und u.a. im MainEcho und Mindener Tageblatt, 30.09.20 ARTIKEL LESEN?
Kommunikations- und Life Coach Jessica Wahl in der ZEIT/ Solo-Urlaub statt Zweisamkeit am Pool? Alleine verreisen gilt unter Menschen in Beziehungen als verpönt – zu Unrecht. Wie du mit deinem*deiner Partner*in konstruktiv darüber sprechen kannst. So findest Du die richtigen Worte, um deinem*deiner Partner*in zu sagen, dass du alleine verreisen willst... ZEIT/ gr.een, 09.07.2020, ARTIKEL LESEN?
Jobinterview Coach Jessica Wahl im Interview mit der Welt zum Thema:"So meistern Sie Ihr virtuelles Jobinterview. Vorstellungsgespräche über Skype, Zoom und Co. sind in der Corona-Krise gängige Praxis geworden. Das hat Vorteile, birgt für Bewerber aber auch so manche Tücke." Hier kommen ein paar Tipps und Regeln, die man in einem Jobinterview beachten sollte. DIE WELT, Karriere, 22.05.2020 ARTIKEL LESEN?
„Versaust du dir damit nicht den Lebenslauf?“ Karriereexpertin Jessica Wahl gibt Antworten und Tipps zum Thema Jobhopping am Anfang des Berufslebens: Den Berufseinstieg im Startup hält die Beraterin zunächst für sehr positiv: „Man lernt ein Unternehmen in einer sehr kritischen Phase kennen, durchläuft viele Instanzen und kann es schnell vom Einzelkämpfer zum Head of… schaffen“, erklärt Wahl. Durch häufige Jobwechsel könne außerdem Fachwissen erlangt werden, das später auch bei etablierten Unternehmen gefragt sei. „Wichtig ist, in Bewerbungsgesprächen klar zu argumentieren, was genau gelernt wurde und welche Strategie hinter den Wechseln gestanden hat.“ Gründerszene/ KARRIERE, 28.02.2020, ARTIKEL LESEN?
BILD/Ratgeber fragt JESSICA WAHL, Stimmexpertin aus Berlin, ob Körpergewicht und Stimme zusammenhängen, denn die Sängerin Adele hat 45kg abgenommen: „Ja, den Zusammenhang gibt es. Physiologisch geht Abnehmen nicht auf die Stimme, aber durchaus auf die Präsenz. Das beste Beispiel ist die Opernsängerin Maria Callas. Sie war etwas kräftiger gebaut, verliebt sich in Aristoteles Onassis und wollte dem gängigen (schlanken) Schönheitsideal entsprechen. So nahm sie dramatisch ab, und verlor ihre Stimm-Präsenz, ihre Magie. Die Töne hat sie natürlich noch immer getroffen, aber ihre Stimme hatte nicht mehr die Strahlkraft, um ihre großen Gefühle zu transportieren. Das heißt nicht, dass dünne Sänger keine starken Gefühle transportieren können. Im Gegenteil. Aber wenn eine Gesangspersönlichkeit mal voluminöser gebaut war und dann dramatisch Gewicht verliert und damit Muskeln und Präsenz, und wie im Extrem von Adele scheinbar äußerlich auch noch ein ganz neuer Mensch wird, dann hat dies auch Auswirkungen auf die Stimme... Man sagt über die Callas, dass sie nach der Gewichtsabnahme nie mehr so gut war wie zuvor…“ BILD/Ratgeber, 14.04.2020, ARTIKEL LESEN?
Tut uns leid - Umgang mit Absagen. Radio Podcast mit Karriereexpertin Jessica Wahl im DEUTSCHLANDFUNK:„Absagen tuen so weh, weil wir sie meistens als persönliche Ablehnung wahrnehmen – obwohl sie natürlich zum Bewerbungsprozess dazugehören, sagt Jobcoachin Jessica Wahl. Die vagen Formulierungen, warum es nicht geklappt hat, haben auch einen ganz bestimmten Grund...“ Übrigens - das Interview habe ich morgens per Telefon gegeben und abends wurde es in der Liveshow eingespielt, deswegen ist der Ton ein anderer. Und hier kommt der Podcast (mit Jessica ab Minute 10:05 - 13:45) - Deutschlandfunk NOVA, 05.12.2019, PODCAST ANHÖREN?
Ein Bewerbungsgespräch steht an? Hier kommt der 2 Teil vom WELT-Videointerview mit Job Coach Jessica Wahl bei WELT online:"Das ist DER Moment im Bewerbungsgespräch – und so meistern Sie ihn: In vielen Bewerbungsgesprächen kommt es zu unangenehmen Situationen: Der potenzielle Arbeitgeber stellt eine unverschämte Frage. Wenn Sie darauf richtig antworten, gewinnen Sie - vielleicht auch den Job. Eine Expertin verrät im Video, wie das geht." WELT, Wirtschaft, 03.12.2019 VIDEO ANSCHAUEN?
Stimmtherapeutin Jessica Wahl mit Tipps zur Stimme für Oberärztinnen im Magazin OBERARZT-HEUTE: "Haben wir eine sympathische Stimme? Klingt sie arrogant und abweisend? Die Stimme. Wie sie klingt, wie sie auf andere wirkt – darüber denken wir nur selten nach. Oftmals ist uns gar nicht bewusst, dass die Stimme mehr als alles andere unsere Visitenkarte ist. Doch gerade Frauen in Führungspositionen haben oft ein Stimmproblem..." Oberartzt heute!, 07.09.2019 Artikel lesen?
Tipps für den öffentlichen Auftritt - Vom öffentlichen Auftritt bis zum richtigen Smalltalkthema... Persönlichkeitscoach Jessica Wahl gibt Tipps in der Wirtschaftszeitung für den Mittelstand:"In der Öffentlichkeit zu stehen, ist nicht jedermanns Sache. Ob beim Smalltalk mit wichtigen Kunden, bei einem Fachvortrag auf einer Messe oder auch bei einem Radio- oder Fernsehinterview: Schnell wirkt der Auftritt verkrampft – und verfehlt auf diese Weise seine Wirkung. ..." DHW Deutsche Handwerks Zeitung, 23.10.2019 ARTIKEL LESEN?
Jessica Wahl, application and career coach from Berlin, knows that men and women often read job advertisements differently and here are some tips from Jessica Wahl on reading job advertisements. NEW PRESS, 23.11.19, ARTICLE READ?
Performance Coach Jessica Wahl gives tips on the subject of assessment centers: From the right time buffer on arrival, to the AC process and possible traps, to the hero story. Whether for the Federal Foreign Office, a position at the UN, or the leadership position in the company. Assessment centers as selection procedures are now part of everyday professional life and we receive daily enquiries from our customers who have to prepare for upcoming exams and who ask us whether we can help them further. The hope of "simply being authentic" despite all the technical competence is usually not enough in the assessment center. Without thorough preparation and under the highest stress, few people are able to perform confidently. And there is a very special code to pass the different examination steps. Otherwise you fail. Hochschulzeitschrift AUDIMAX - Die Jobbörse für Akademiker, 08.11.2019 S.20 ARTICLE READING?
"The Helmholtz Horizons Symposium is an annual event that presents our world-leading scientists and their research on the most important challenges and questions of our time. The theme this year is "Climate Change - From Knowlegde to Action." And was accompanied and documented by WAHLUNIVERSUM® by Jessica Wahl on November 6, 2019. And if you are interested in the exciting scientific lectures on the topic "Climate Change - From Knowlegde to Action.", you can watch them again in the livestream in the following video. Helmholtz Horizons Symposium, 06.11.19, LECTURES IN LIVESTREAM ANSCHAUEN?
Tips from career coach Jessica Wahl - How to score with your hobbies. Leisure activities in CV can make you stand out from the competition - or become a total killer of applications. "If the HR manager himself plays golf and notices that the applicant does not know his way around even though he has declared golf as a hobby, that is definitely a minus point. BZ Berner Zeitung, Wirtschaft, 26.10.19, ARTIKEL LESEN?
Sovereign in the Spotlight - Tips for the Public Appearance. It is not everyone's business to appear in public. But to present oneself professionally can be learned. Specialized Coaches promise assistance such as presentation and lecture coach Jessica Wahl. Deutsche Handwerkts Zeitung, Die Wirtschaftszeitung für den Mittelstand, 23.10.2019. ARTIKEL LESEN?
Does leisure belong in the curriculum vitae? Career coach Jessica Wahl gives tips in the Süddeutsche Zeitung on reading, cooking, bungee jumping and whether golfing is part of your curriculum vitae. And my tip: Ask yourself what your future employer needs from you. And then: Be unique. Be authentic. And think carefully in advance why your skills match the advertised position so well. And if all this is underlined by your hobby in your curriculum vitae or even makes you curious, you also convince in the interview. Süddeutsche Zeitung, Economy, 14.10.2019. ARTIKEL READING?
Here are a few tips from business coach Jessica Wahl in the Vorwerk Magazine on the subject:"How to embarrass yourself". If you feel good, it's easier to deal with a mistake. Sometimes it is even THE chance to charmingly show sovereignty and humour. But what do you do when you feel totally insecure, uptight and in the wrong place and something foolish happens to you? Here are some tips: Blackout during the presentation. Forget the name of the other person. Accidentally reached for the "you". Clothes breakdowns. Silence in the elevator and much more. PREVIOUS MAGAZINE, 25.09.2019 INTERVIEW READ?
Jessica Wahl vom WAHLUNIVERSUM® was asked by the FUTURIUM whether she would like to photographically document the opening ceremony of the Haus für die Zukünfte on 05.09.2019. And of course it was in the mood :-) Actually Mrs. Merkel also wanted to be there, but she had to go to China. But the head of the Federal Chancellery Prof. Dr. Helge Braun, the astronaut Dr. Alexander Gerst, the sea ice researcher Dr. Stefanie Arndt, the research minister Anja Karliczek and more than 550 visitors*were there to provide a festive setting for the event. FUTURIUM, HAUS DER ZUKUNFT, 05.09.2019, ARTIKEL UND FOTOS
It's all about the application topic again. And about "forbidden gestures in the interview". And WILA Arbeitsmarkt asked career coach Jessica Wahl for an interview with tips so that the new job could work out. By the way: In my opinion, no gesture is really "forbidden". However, one should know what a gesture means in our country, or in other cultural circles, so that one is not surprised by the reaction of the other person... Wila labour market, application, interview with career coach Jessica Wahl,12.09.2019
Wave to the boss already? And what helps against mobbing colleagues? Business Coach Jessica Wahl explains in an interview "How do I react confidently in unpleasant job situations?" how to react competently in difficult office situations. WORLD ICONIST, 03.09.19, INTERVIEW READ?
Do you still wear a watch on your wrist at all? And if so, why? The watch manufacturer NOMOS-Glashütte asked career coach Jessica Wahl to give her an expert interview on the subject of the watch code: Against the career snap - "Can watches be dangerous? And what else can they do? Jessica Wahl is a coach for executives and also looks at the wrist."
NOMOS Magazine - NOMOS-Glashütte, August 2019, INTERVIEW READ? OR IN ENGLISH?
"Applications are usually something that can be quite stressful. Creating a resume, writing a cover letter - and feeling like waiting for an eternity." career coach Jessica Wahl gives tips on how to convince you in a telephone interview. kununu blog, Kununu, your opinion counts. 28.08.2019 ARTICLE READ?
Cover letter, CV, Job interview. Traps lurk on the way to your dream job. Job coach Jessica Wahl knows the pitfalls of an application and knows how to avoid them. In the video she explains why in the end even the shoe can be decisive.
WORLD+, Tips from the Job Coach, 08.08.2019, VIDEO INTERVIEW ANSCHAUEN?
Telephone interviews are standard today. But how do you best prepare for an interview on the phone? The magazine BusinessPunk - WORK HARD. PLAY HARD asked the career expert Jessica Wahl in an interview to give her tips so that despite the excitement at the new employer one can get along well.
Podium discussion at the Natural History Museum Berlin: When citizens' knowledge creates knowledge. To prepare panel discussions is known as a performance coach. But to sit photographing under a real dinosaur while the two Helmholtz researchers Susanne Hecker and Aletta Bonn are reading their new book "Citizen Science. Innovation in Open Science, Society and Politics" and the Director General of the Museum für Naturkunde Johannes Vogel and Helmholtz President Otmar D. Wiestler, among others, had a special appeal. HELMHOLTZ, WISSENSCHAFT UND GESELLSCHAFT, 26.03.2019
How does she do it?! 24 hours in the life of a Star-YouTuberin.
The job of YouTube star Lisa Sophie Laurent, who some of you may know from the interview with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, can be quite stressful. Always online. Always creative. Always in a good mood.
How do you get through such a "Always-online-everyday life"? And how can you get a quick internetdetox to avoid getting hot? Here are a few easy to use tips from performance coach Jessica Wahl.
You were invited to a job interview. But what is the best way to prepare for an interview? And what do you do when you're asked absurd questions, like "Why are manhole covers round? In the following article career coach Jessica Wahl gives professional tips for job interviews.
Dissatisfied with your job, but there are no exciting job advertisements on the net right now? Maybe you have to do a little bit more for your dream job in certain phases of your life... With a speculative application. The journalist Arzu Dagci asked career coach Jessica Wahl whether she could give a few expert tips for her article on the topic "When is an unsolicited application worthwhile and how to proceed?" in the gmx magazine. That's what she did. And here he comes: Tips from career coach Jessica Wahl on unsolicited application, gmx-Magazin, 29.07.2018 ARTIKEL LESEN?
Skills are responsible for success - but which ones do I need? Career coach Jessica Wahl provides tips for job interviews in an academic environment.
audimax Wi.Wi 6/2018 - Career Magazine for Economists, 04.05.2018
The first impression counts. The same for a date as for a job interview. But what can you do to make it look good? Should you get a doctorate, a Porsche, or at least expensive boots from Gucci for a "good impression"? Or is a clever application book with intelligent answers that you memorize enough to shoot back brilliantly at any stupid question? Since there are so many different opinions on this subject, the editor-in-chief of the university magazine AUD!MAX career coach Jessica Wahl has asked her to give an expert interview on the topic "How to score as an applicant from the start", which is now available in over 400,000 copies and 4 different editions. u.a. in AUD!MAX - JUR.A - das Karrieremagazin für Rechtswissenschaften, 08.03.2018 ARTIKEL LESEN?
In May were the oral Abitur examinations. Moist hands and stage fright preprogrammed. Radio Fritz presenter Chris Guse had the idea shortly before "last minute tips with expert Jessica Wahl" to broadcast to avert the worst... Here comes the short form of the interview, including instructions for "toe wiggling as a secret weapon". Radio Fitz, Interview, 16.05.2018
When salmon snacks decide about the future.... In the Berliner Morgenpost the following small article deals with vitamin B and small talk, and coach Jessica Wahl gives the hint that sometimes a good preparation decides on which floor the elevator takes you to... Berliner Morgenpost: Up with vitamin B - Networking is essential for professional success - good if you start practicing in time. Berliner Morgenpost, 03.02.2018 ARTICLE READING?
Coach Jessica Wahl in interview with Sonntagsfritzen on Radio Fritz.
Professionguessing "What am I?" In a "tough" duel between the editors Caro Korneli and Jakob Lundt should they guess the profession of coach Jessica Wahl (job application coach & speech coach) on "yes" or "no". Radio Fritz, rbb, 30.01.2018
The term "comeback" first appeared in the Duden in 1961. So comebacks are not new. Nevertheless, they are often used by musicians, artists, sportsmen, actors or celebrities to recall themselves and to boost their careers again with the help of the media. Christoph Reimann, from <Deutschlandfunk Kultur>, has made a programme on this topic and interviewed media coach Jessica Wahl, from the Institute for Personal Performance, to learn the methods of the professionals, so that a comeback is guaranteed to be successful. DEUTSCHLANDFUNK KULTUR - REAL TIME <Career, the second - the comeback is everywhere>, 25.11.2017
One person you like, the other you don't. It's fatal when you see your colleague in the office more often than your partner at home. And there are many reasons why colleagues can seem unsympathetic. Whether they remind us of someone from the past, he or she takes up too much space, has a tick that annoys, or you get the impression that your colleague doesn't value you, so you take the precaution of going on the offensive. There are many reasons for bullying colleagues. In the article "Too loud, too grumpy, too arrogant" communication coach Jessica Wahl gives tips on how to overcome antipathy. Berliner Zeitung, career, 7./8.10.2017
"Do you want to build a good relationship with your customers?
In an interview with communications expert Jessica Wahl, Berliner Sparkasse asked her about the particularities of Berlin and what sales talks have to do with soccer. As a performance coach, Jessica Wahl deals with the entire appearance of her customers - from clothing to voice to personality. In group workshops and individual training sessions, she helps her clients to develop themselves further." Berliner Sparkasse, expert interview, inspiring customers, 14.07.2017
Login is fast, logout also. Over 90% of online courses are cancelled.
Companies always hope to have found an inexpensive way of further training for their "mass of employees". For some, the standardized online course is a good way to learn self-motivated. But not for most of them.
When the employee is perceived as an individual, as a sentient being, picked up at his pace and promoted according to his potentials. If he can learn from good role models whom he respects, he develops in the best possible time. And he feels recognized and valued by his company, which made the positive experiences of coaching possible for him. Some companies have already (re)recognized this. The author Felix Knoke has written an informative and long article about online courses. With career coach Jessica Wahl im computer magazine CHIP, 01.07.2017
German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the White House with US President Donald Trump. The meeting was frosty. The US President particularly irritated the Chancellor with his statement about the interception. The expert Jessica Wahl was asked by N24 to analyse the body language of Angela Merkel and Donald Trump. The contribution appeared in the evening news on:Pro7, SAT1, Welt and online on N24 18.03.2017, TV VIDEO WATCHING?
More personality - or how to learn charisma. Self-confidence is not only important when applying. You also profit from it in your presentation. Jessica Wahl sees a close connection between outer appearance and inner attitude... Berliner Zeitung, Karriere, 11./12.03.2017
Coaching and off to the streets: Speaking in front of 60,000 spectators. Everyone knows how important it is to be rhetorically trained as a politician or manager. But can activists also be trained? Some time ago we got a call from Campact. A citizens' movement with 1.8 million members who planned major events all over Germany for the 17.1.17 and asked me if we would coach their speakers for this event professionally for a change. The star journalist Nicola Sellmair was part of the coaching of Jörg Tewes with Campact board member Christoph Bautz. She asked questions and took photos. Stern Magazin, Raus der Netz - off to the street, 09.03.2017
Do you know what your voice betrays about you?
Jessica Wahl: "We trust the voice and if someone has a sovereign, deeper voice, then we assume that this person rests within himself and has everything under control." Jessica Wahl is a performance coach in Berlin and her job is to find and train the authentic sound of her clients. We asked her in an interview what the voice reveals about us, what differences women and men make in speaking and what we can look out for in everyday life in order to remain confident and sympathetic in our memories... Breuninger - Women in Business INSIGHTS, 30.11.2016 - ARTICLE READ?
speech works! And with communication coach Jessica Wahl it works even better. In her Institute for Personal Performance in Berlin, she teaches her clients sounds that are not only heard, but also understood, and words that go down well. Author and linguist Oliver Stöwing in conversation with Jessica Wahl about motivational mantras, language sticks and the courage to take a break. Say it simple - 66 language tricks that change your life. A book by Oliver Stöwing, Knaur Verlag, 01.11.2016
One wrong sentence and the situation escalates... What is the best way to deal with the angry customer or the screaming colleague? Communications expert Jessica Wahl gives a few tips., 16.11.2016 - READ ARTICLE?
Jessica Wahl uses her sense of interpersonal behaviour to create unique photographs. The Berlin artist miraculously combines two areas: As a communication and career coach, she shows executives how to unconsciously send messages via their own body language. As a photographer, she captures this body language and shows her works in the universe of choice. With the exception of the photographer, we talked about aesthetics, border crossings and ideals. WhiteWall Magazine, Interview, 19.10.2016 - ARTICLE READ?
Superior in the spotlight. Tips for a public appearance: Michael R., for example, booked a coaching session with Jessica Wahl from Berlin before the company party. It is specialized in personality, medium and Sprechcoaching and brings its clients with special exercises to the inside and outside perception to see itself in another light - and in this way their public appearance more favorably to arrange. DeutscheHandwerksZeitung, The business newspaper for the middle class, 29.09.2017 - ARTICLE READING?
Interview in the N24/WORLD livestream: Where to put your hands in the job interview? N24 reporter Marie Przibylla from DIE WELT Video was with us. 30 min. live and spontaneous chat questions on the topic <Dos and Dont's in a job interview> in front of about 20.000 FaceBook users. N24, WELT Video, 16 May 2016 INTERVIEW WATCHING?
The tricks of the pros. That's how it works with the job - from performance coach Jessica Wahl: Your resume is quite airy? Your profile full of corners and edges? Doesn't matter: If you put your uniqueness in the right light, you'll turn supposed weaknesses into your greatest strengths. LAURA MAGAZIN - RATGEBEBER LEICHTES LEBEN - CLEVER IM JOB, 03.05.2016
You have a doctorate and don't know what your career will be like? What comes after the postdoctoral position? 7 Tips on Academics for individual career planning in science from career coach Jessica Wahl. ACADEMICS, THE CAREER REPORTAL FOR SCIENCE & RESEARCH, 18.1.2016 ARTICLE READING?
The new year is still fresh and the motivation is high. Perfect for formulating career goals and thinking about career options. We talked to career coach Jessica Wahl about how to plan a career and how the goals of women and men differ. ACADEMICS, THE CAREER REPORTAL FOR SCIENCE & RESEARCH, 14.01.2016 ARTICLE READING?
Federal Foreign Minister Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier at the International Symposium at the Federal Foreign Office. "On the way to a foreign policy of societies" - the strategic dialogue between the Federal Foreign Office and foundations. Photo shoot: WAHLUNIVERSUM® by Jessica Wahl.
Oh Voice coach, help!
A vocal self-experiment in 54'30 min. in Deutschland Radio Kultur and "...Jessica Wahl, the star at the sky of voice coaches gets to the point in a lightning diagnosis..." DEUTSCHLANDRADIO KULTUR, STIMMFEATURE OF ANDRA JOECKLE, 21.11.2015 LISTENING TO RADIO FEATURE?
This way you remain confident even in the limelight. You can learn how to present yourself professionally. A coach helps: Jessica Wahl.
Jessica Wahl, head of the Institute for Personal Performance in Berlin, has been in business for many years. Jessica Wahl:"It's about becoming more similar to yourself..."
In the new GLAMOUR - Performance Coach Jessica Wahl to typical communication patterns among women and with tips on how we can deal with them in the future. "Then I'll start now? Exactly..." GLAMOUR, MODE, LIFESTYLE, ADVICE, 21.04.2015
The first 100 days. How do I convince my boss and colleagues of my abilities? This is how you get your start in the new job. Expert tips from Coach Jessica Wahl.
My strong self. The secret of a strong charisma: How we work better on others: Coach Jessica Wahl, who among other things helps politicians and managers in Berlin to more "Personal Performance".
Performance Coach Jessica Wahl from Berlin specializes in personality, media and speech coaching and uses special exercises on internal and external perception to get her clients to see themselves in a different light - and in this way to make their public appearance more advantageous...
Coach and photographer Jessica Wahl on behalf of the BMBF: Former Federal President
Prof. Dr. Horst Köhler, minister Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka and Dr. Martial De-Paul Ikounga (Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology of the African Union) in the WAHLUNIVERSUM®.
Superior in the spotlight. And suddenly I stood in the middle of a Berlin church, the altar behind me, the nave in front of me, and gave a short introductory speech... Coaching with Jessica Wahl in the Institut of Personal Perfomance.
This is the perfect speech. Coach Jessica Wahl with tips for speech and attitude in the current WirtschaftsWoche. Jessica Wahl, Personal Performance Coach, also recommends opening your eyes first and then your mouth. "Go into eye contact with your audience shortly before you begin your speech and speak as freely as possible so that you can relate with your audience", she says.
Coach and photographer Jessica Wahl on behalf of the BMBF.
Professional on the big stage: EU Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou, Minister Johanna Wanka, Minister Manuela Schwesig, Minister Sylvia Löhrmann, Doris Pack and Gesine Schwan at the BMBF's Erasmus+ kick-off event. ERASMUS PLUS, BUNDESMINISTERIUM FÜR EDUCATION AND RESEARCH, 24-25.04.2014
Prepare athletes, as well as speakers, for their performance? Endorphin flooded after victory or defeat, top athletes (from Olympic Champion Robert Harting, Olympic Champion and World Champion
Sally Pearson, to double World Champion David Storl) are asked by media coach Jessica Wahl about mental preparation strategies, nervousness, rituals and how to deal with difficult interview questions directly after the competition.
KABOOM - This is how you show it to everyone in the job spot, the big performance is imminent. Fight the most difficult opponent. Expert tips from Jessica Wahl.
A presentation is pending? It's not that easy to give a presentation that will sweep all participants away. We spoke in a detailed interview with communication trainer Jessica Wahl about the optimal preparation...
Presentation, speech and strategy of politicians Behind the scenes: As coach and photographer, Jessica Wahl documents the opening event of the German-Turkish Year of Research, Education and Innovation 2014 with Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka, Federal Minister of Education and Research and Fikri Isik, Minister of Science, Industry and Technology of the Republic of Turkey, with Parliamentary State Secretary Thomas Rachel, as well as Cem Özdemir, Federal Chairman of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and Rita Süssmuth, former President of the German Bundestag. BUNDESMINISTERIUM FOR EDUCATION AND RESEARCH, 24.01.2014
How do celebrities deal with flash and camera? Are there techniques that put you in the right light in a particularly positive way? Even if you don't like to be photographed? Media coach Jessica Wahl photographs Katja Flint, Enie van de Meiklokjes, Jan Sosniok and Franziska Knuppe.
Science Slam: Prof. Dr. Arno van Zyl, Rector of the TU Chemnitz, Federal Minister Johanna Wanka and South African Minister Derek Hanekom at the closing event of the Science Slam in Berlin. The winner is Alwyn Bester, a doctoral student from Chemnitz. Documented by coach and photographer Jessica Wahl on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY CHEMNITZ, 16.06.2013
Convincingly speaking in front of an audience. How do good speakers prepare for an important date? Coach Jessica Wahl asks experienced executives, speakers and moderators what tips they can give and what they appreciate about a good speaker.IFA - LEITMESSE FÜR CONSUMER ELECTRONICS UND HOME APPLIANCES
Jessica Wahl: A coach for all occasions. At Jessica Wahl come people with stage fright, people who train their rhetorical abilities or those who simply want to appear self-confident... the complete package for professional and personal development.
Part 1 and Part 2: Who else is looking for the ultimate secret recipe for small talk at work?
And what if you're asked how it goes in bed?
Coach Jessica Wahl gives information on meaning and purpose on Südwestrundfunk and no-gos on small talk in an interview with Daniel von DASDING.
Why is Angela Merkel so popular with the Germans?
The public television station of the Czech Republic is visiting rhetoric coach Jessica Wahl, with the request to analyze Angela Merkel's presentation and rhetoric for the Czech population in the News. min: 1:15 and 3:57
Public Television of the Czech Republic, 10.09.2013 CONTRIBUTION VISUAL?
Presentation, speech and strategy of politicians - behind the scenes: As a photographer and coach, Jessica Wahl documents the German-South African Year of Science with Johanna Wanka, Federal Minister of Education and Research, and her South African colleague Derek Hanekom, Minister of Science and Technology, on behalf of the BMBF at the German Museum of Technology for Space and Aviation in Berlin.
Jessica Wahl is Personal Performance Coach.
She works with methods from theatre and singing ...
Introduce YOU!
Lucky us, we asked the Jobcoach expert Jessica Wahl for her opinion on a Job cover letter ...
The first impression counts, as it is often called. But is this really all decisive and not revisable? "It's true, you can't repeat the first impression," says Jessica Wahl, who has been working as a personal performance coach in Berlin for over ten years. "But one has each day again the possibility of creating a good atmosphere ...
Can a shy person become a good speaker through small changes, for example? Jessica Wahl, Institute for Personal Performance, Berlin: "Yes! by taking every opportunity to speak publicly in front of colleagues. He should write down key words about the course of the lecture and ask a friend if he would listen to him practicing the lecture. Audience reality becomes real only through audience."
All beginning is difficult. "Who promises full employment in the new job, should show it also, explains Jessica Wahl, who works as personal performance Coach in Berlin ...
Portrait by Jessica Wahl about Dr. Armin Werner <What an agricultural expert thinks about agriculture in the city. DIE ZEIT, WIRTSCHAFT, 20.10.2011
What to do if it doesn't work? Career coach Jessica Wahl gives 12 tips on Academics against writer's block and panic attacks. ACADEMICS, THE CAREER_REPORT FOR SCIENCE & RESEARCH, 22.01.2016 READ ARTICLE?
Radiospot about Jessica Wahl, spoken by Markus Wegmann, voice of ZDF, Toyota and Audi. R.H.B. RADIOHAUS BERLIN GMBH - ANHÖREN?
Banker against art ... (Photo: Wahluniversum® by Jessica Wahl) Philipp Ruch on the difficulty when press officers want to withdraw their statements... NEUE DEUTSCHLAND, SOZIALISTISCHE ZEITUNG, WIRTSCHAFT & SOZIALES, 21.12.11
At the next moment all attention is focused on you. The silence in the audience is so tense that the air crackles. Speaking in front of a group makes many people nervous. How to use stage fright positively and tips for your lecture gives rhetoric coach Jessica Wahl. WORKING OFFICE, CAREER 24.08.2011 ARTICLE READING?
Move borders - piece by piece.
The Tabor church is no ordinary place of worship. In Berlin's Tabor church, Jessica Wahl works with her clients to improve their public appearance. In the meantime, the 36-year-old has given more than 10,000 hours here. She has worked with people who otherwise are not necessarily to be found in a church: Managing Directors, Members of Parliament, Tax Consultants, Sales Manager, Top Athletes, Moderators. SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG ONLINE, KARRIERE, 17.05.2010 - ARTIKEL LESEN?
Problems during the trial period: Those who have sold themselves over value will stumble. Here you will find tips for a good start to your job. Jessica Wahl: >It's about finding the right mix between adaptation and individuality. Ultimately, you will only be recognized if you stand by yourself<.
Expert interview with Jessica Wahl: "Nothing is more attractive than spontaneous action when it comes from the heart." EDARLING, EXPERTENINTERVIEW PSYCHOLOGIE, 4.10.2010 ARTICLE READING?
Expert interview on the radio with personal performance coach Jessica Wahl on the subject of broadcasting, successful job interviews and ACs.
Career as a politician with a poor word finding ability? Jessica Wahl, coach in Berlin knows what helps and gives tips in an interview with Lili Masuhr.
Nothing and nobody is perfect. But there's always someone who knows why and how to change it "The Guide - Jessica Wahl trains voice and personality..."
Radio interview with presentation coach Jessica Wahl on the subject of voter influence through manipulative gestures by politicians.
Today under the microscope: Angela Merkel, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Guido Westerwelle, Gregor Gysi, Renate Künast. MDR JUMP MORNINGSHOW, WITH ROCKENBERG AND NADINE, 22.09.09
Trembling in front of the boss - Not only discussions with the boss are for many a spies running, but also job interviews and presentations have it in themselves "consider yourselves, how you would like to work ... ", recommends Jessica - sovereign in the Spotlight - Tips for the public appearance, speechtrainer and personal performance coach from Berlin.
Film repor about Jessica Wahl: >Rhetorical gloss instead of public embarrassment<
Selling yourself right, making a good speech is not that easy. But you can learn that from the Personal Performance Coach Jessica Wahl.
Superior in the job interview. Show personality.
The trainer Jessica Wahl prepares applicants for interview and test situations in individual coaching sessions. Her clientele ranges from university graduates to managers ...
Picture report by the photographer essica Wahl about the Café Moscow reopening of and with NIKE in Berlin. Former prestige object of the former GDR.
Self-safe to the goal: How you imagine yourself without pretending.
To ensure that her clients really internalize all this by "Day X", trainer Jessica Wahl films her dealing with classic as well as provocative interview questions ...
Portrait of the photographer Jessica Wahl about Philipp Ruch, who auctions Angela Merkel and Frank-Walter Steinmeier at Ebay and thus causes a lot of fuss. STERN - THE MAGAZINE, 23.08.2009
Jessica Wahl documents as coach and photographer the ship christening of the Avalon Affinity in the Netherlands.
"In addition to specialist knowledge, most personnel managers pay particular attention to an authentic appearance", emphasises Coach Jessica Wahl ...
People like Eva Luise Köhler, Hans-Peter Dürr, Klaus Wilmsen, Oliver Kahn, Graf von Faber-Castell, Günter Netzer and many others have participated in this project so far. "Bearing responsibility - A bear goes around the world. Today with Jessica Wahl."
Whoever comes to Jessica Wahl wants to improve his performance - and ends up at the altar. Visiting a personal trainer in a church in Berlin...
In order to get a chance in a job advertisement, applicants must score more points than with error-free cover letters and complete CVs. "A perfect application portfolio is only the admission ticket for the interview or an assessment centre," says Jessica Wahl. The Berliner Trainerin prepares applicants in individual Coachings for discussion and test situations. From university graduates to managers.
Successful people who are aware of their level and would like to develop their potential to fully develop it ... with coach Jessica Wahl.
Vocal optimal - voice and speech in the age of feasibility. In the ideal case it is a self-runner, simply used without wasting a thought on it. But in the age of telephone flatrates and Podcasting the need rises to form and manipulate the voice. The authors accompanied among other things Jessica Wahl - Voice and Bodycoach - always on the search for the genuine and ideal voice. WDR3, THE CULTURAL EVENT, 03.11.2007
The Resonance in the Holy Space - Photo report about the voice trainer Jessica Wahl. ...While worldly sounds are polished in the sacred room, the church tower of the Tabor chuch towers over the houses as ever... To be present and authentic with your own charisma is what you can learn in the church with Coach Jessica Wahl...
People who communicate with people, stand in front of an audience and want to convince with their performance ... FORUM GELBESEITEN, INTERVIEW, 23.10.2006
If in the swan still a duck sits - or personality development instead of breast enlargement. Personality Coaching with Jessica Wahl. MAGAZINE FOR TRANSZENDENTALE MEDITATION AND ZEN, 19.06.2006
A special location offers the breath, voice and speech therapist Jessica Wahl in Berlin... GERMAN APOTHEKEN ZEITUNG, 20.06.2006
Voice matters ... mainly Jessica Wahl coacht humans with vocationally high voice employment, who would like themselves to develop further personally and vocationally... BERLINERAKZENTE, MAGAZINE FOR BERLINER SPARKASSEN, 22.05.2006 ARTICLE READING?
The Institute for Personal Performance in the Tabor church... Voice training at a special location... to be coached under the special acoustic conditions with Coach Jessica Wahl. DAS MAGAZIN- FÜR GESUNDHEIT UND WOHLBEFINDEN, 20.04.2006
How do I make a speech?
Here the best tricks come from the rhetoric and voice coach Jessica Wahl... PETRA, MODE & TRENDMAGAZIN, 15.4.2006
In the beginning was the word - Or why do people speak so quietly in churches? Coach Jessica Wahl:"On some evenings, when I've worked all day and then walked into the altar ship alone again, it amazes me how loud the silence is. It's like a restful roar. A room in which the silence sounds... filled with air just waiting to vibrate..."
Work on the voice... many clients go extra to the Personal Performance Coach Jessica Wahl in Berlin to be coached professionally...
Decide with your voice ... Jessica Wahl - her clients include managers, journalists and teachers as well as many pop and opera singers from home and abroad ...