Jessica Wahl
Taborstr. 17
10997 Berlin
You would like to make an appointment or have further questions?
We look forward to your call.
Tel. +49 (0)30-61283123
Fax. +49 (0)911 - 308 44 33 044
Telephone times:
Mo. - Fr .: 9 am - 12 pm
Or you speak to the AB and we will call you back.
The institute is located in Berlin / Kreuzberg, near the Oberbaum Bridge, in the Tabor Church. (Entrance on the right next to the church main portal, 1st floor.)
The easiest way to us:
The institute can be easily reached by car via Schlesische Straße, by underground with U1 "Schlesisches Tor" + 5 min. footpath or by bus 265 "Taborstraße" + 2 min. footpath. .
IIf you arrive by plane, you will need about 30 minutes by taxi from Tegel. And if you are travelling by train, it is best to travel to Ostbahnhof. From there, take the S-Bahn in the direction of "Wahrschauerstr." and then the U-Bahn U1 to "Schlesisches Tor", + 5 min walk.
Or you can take a taxi from Ostbahnhof to the institute in 5 minutes.