Then our Performance Coaching and Training is the right thing for you! The following coaching topics are tailored to your needs and we always adapt the methods and scope of the training to your current needs and goals.
Would you like to book a Personality Coaching, where your self-image and external image are analyzed and your external impact is individually optimized? Or do want to develop your communication skills, sharpen your profile, appear more confident, and increase your charisma? Or do you need it more specifically because you have an upcoming presentation in front of an audience and want to significantly improve your speaking and interactive communication skills through Lecture Coaching and Presentation Training? Well, you can combine Speaker Coaching and Rhetoric Coaching with Body Language Coaching and Voice Coaching so your rhetoric, language, articulation, gestures and facial expressions are trained to be paired with voice and breathing techniques. Speaker Coaching and Voice Coaching strengthens your voice and combats Stage Fright. A beautiful church is also available for Speech Coaching and Voice Training, where you can try yourself while speaking. Afterwards your stage fright has no more chance and you learn to inspire your audience sustainable.
You can also choose individual Media Coaching, which includes Interview Coaching with video analysis. The art of answering interview questions intelligently and competently while looking self-confident and authentic is the focus here. We also train your strategic approach with journalists as well as the right way to use social media.
Or should you schedule a strategic Application Coaching that efficiently prepares you for every classic and provocative question, salary negotiations or an assessment center? Of course we will also look at your cover letter and curriculum vitae, your appearance and your behaviour. Jobinterview Coaching also includes strategic rhetoric to sharpen your communication skills and the art of small talk is trained. After this coaching, you will not only be invited, but you will convince the employer to hire you!
Or is Executive Coaching, including Diversity- and also Gender Coaching for your leadership position, more important for you? What about the nuances of intercultural leadership and communication across hierarchies? How to deal strategically with superiors and colleagues in meetings and negotiations, and how to manage your time so that your work-life balance is right...
Then perhaps the Happy Coaching or Life Coaching is also interesting for you.
If you are looking for The Master Plan with the most effective techniques and secret methods of the professionals, you have come to the right place. :-)
Do you know how you affect others? And does your external impact correspond to your potentials, experiences and competences? Are you as successful and as satisfied as you could be? Update your performance through coaching: Expand your communicative skills. And sharpen your profile - through a confident appearance and the convincing presentation of your personality
-> More on Performance Coaching
Give your word power.
In conversation and in front of a large audience. The skillful use of language, voice, articulation, rhetoric and charm is decisive for your success. And the correct measure of seriousness, humor and quick-wittedness underlines your individual personality. Whether in presentation, negotiation, pitching, conversation, video conferencing, TedX or lecture: Inspire your audience. And speak in a way that everyone understands you.
-> More on Speaker Coaching
Do you want to convince your superiors and team every day as a manager? Or would you like to take the next step and prepare yourself for the Assessment Center? Outlining your own goals and objective strengths and weaknesses are the basis. But just as important is your appearance, your communication across hierarchies, your intercultural competence and the right strategy and tactics will accelerate your career.
-> More on Career Coaching
First-class application documents and an attractive photo are the admission ticket. Then a sympathetic appearance and a convincing presentation of your personality are decisive. The knowledge of your own strengths and weaknesses count just as much as conclusive answers to classic and provocative questions, open facial expressions, gestures and the right outfit.
-> More on Application Coaching
A melodious and full voice can be learned. With the right breathing techniques and the professional use of your voice, you will not only increase your presence and charisma, but you will be listened to with pleasure. Whether the voice sounds soft or too high, whether you want to get more hearing in meetings and groups or whether constant vocal stress makes you hoarse: with optimized vocal technique you will always find the right tone. -> More on Voice Coaching
An interview is coming up. How credible and authentic do you communicate your message? How crisp do you bring complex topics to the point? How do you react to critical questions and what does a journalist expect? Use your gestures and facial expressions, voice and language rhetorically so that what you say becomes a headline. Whether TV, Intranet, Radio, YouTube or panel discussion. Each medium has its own rules. -> More on Media Coaching
With many practical exercises, exciting theoretical input, great feedback and reflection, and most importantly, a very warm and supportive working atmosphere, your self-confidence will be strengthened in the shortest possible time and your performance will be catapulted to the next level.
Our Performance Coaching is for executives, lecturers, lawyers, politicians, computer specialists, scientists, artists, moderators, freelancers, students, students, employees and private people and for all who would like to develop themselves personally and professionally.
Just call us on T. +49 (0)30-61283123 or contact us without any obligation and together we will see which coaching package works best for you: Contact us
At Jessica Wahl, coaching becomes a unique and extraordinary experience. She responds individually to your needs and covers an incredible spectrum. There are probably only a few people who have such a potential. You can also tell that she enjoys her work and it is unmistakable that she has made her vocation her profession. GÜNTHER VULLHORST, VICE PRESIDENT, DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG, BONN -> More customer feedback
Professionality, humor and cordiality awakens undreamt-of abilities in you. Jessica has the gift to see and recognize people like no other and she shares this knowledge with great enthusiasm and passion. Everything seems possible - everything is possible! We will see each other again. SYLVIA STOJILKOVIC, MANAGERIN MARKT & WETTBEWERB, STUTTGART-> More customer references
This is how the perfect speech is created. Jessica Wahl, Personal Performance Coach, also recommends open your eyes first and then your mouth. "Go shortly before you begin your speech, in eye contact with your audience and speak as freely as possible so that you can develop a relationship with your audience", she says. WIRTSCHAFTSWOCHE, KARRIERE/ ERFOLG-> More press reviews